Break Free of negative habits and behaviours so you can Live your Life with Freedom
Do you ever wonder why it’s been so hard to change negative, self-sabotaging habits before, and why it never worked? Well, you can’t change your habits and behaviours until you change the subconscious programming in your brain.
However, you can rewire your brain and rewire your life!
We all live in a world of thought. Our beliefs determine our perceptions and our perceptions determine our thoughts, which determine our emotions, our feelings and our subsequent reactions to these thoughts. If you want to change your actions, you first need to change your thoughts. But this can only happen effectively and ‘long-term’, if you change the beliefs and perceptions first (subconscious).
Here’s the secret to making a permanent shift:
As much as you tried to change your conscious thinking, your subconscious runs the show. If you reprogram the subconscious, you change the conscious…There is now scientific evidence to show how to do this efficiently and effectively using nothing more than simple logic and the power of pre-programmed conscious thought, and what’s more… Everyone can do this!
I’ve used the term ‘Consciousness Engineering’ as a way to describe this process
(the subject of my third TEDx talk)
Here’s how it works:
You can’t choose the next thought which comes into your head (watch this video on neuroscience and freewill if you are in any doubt). It is our unconscious brain activity which shapes our decisions, so if we pre-program our subconscious so that it deals with these thoughts in a way which we decide upon in advance, it will affect our choices and our decisions.
Before we reprogram the subconscious though, we will first expose the source of the negative behaviour by identifying where the emotional pain came from – negative behaviours are always used to cloak, or cover up emotional pain. This also helps to identify other habits which no longer serve you. These emotions (responses to emotional loss) have become part of you because they have formed a feedback loop:
Trigger = Perception through Belief = Thought = Feeling = Emotion = Reaction = Belief (looped)
We can then break the feedback loop of emotional habits and behaviours through creating new experiences, based on a future imagined realty. This is done through a decision making process, as we discuss together what you want your future to look like, and making this real by imagining and feeling the emotion behind it.
The next stage is to take your body into this new reality to experience these new emotions on a regular basis, until both the body and the mind learn these new emotional states. This is done through meditations and discussions with specific instructions and guidance which turn on new genes (up-regulation) and turn off old genes (down-regulation).
This is a PHYSICAL reaction. You can actually FEEL it.
Once the physical self has ‘tasted’ this new reality, it will know how possible this is to actually achieve it (new belief). Using subconscious reprogramming, we can install the new software into the mind, creating a new personality and taking the body towards this new version of you.
This pre-programming will then anticipate whatever thoughts you have and deal with them on a subconscious level. It’ll be like preparing yourself for whatever life throws at you by pre-empting it.
Here it is broken down into 10 simple steps
- Understand how the brain and body work together to give you emotional feedback loops which determine your perceptions and beliefs
- Watch the scientific evidence to show how changing these beliefs, changes your psychology AND your physiology
- Understand where and why your negative thinking exists (emotional pain)
- Acknowledge it and thank it for the work it has done up until now
- Imagine an alternative emotional state
- Go there in your mind and experience this state as if it is already happening (physiological reaction)
- Interrupt the feedback loop to install the new software through retraining the mind/body
- Pre-empt any new thought with the new programming
- Calibrate accordingly as the new software is tested and life challenges you
- You will have changed your subconscious programming to create a new you and a new life
What’s the alternative?
Of course, you could just carry on as you are, or look for more quick fixes to this long-term problem.
Or you could take the plunge, do the work and make a permanent change?
The big question on my clients minds is, will this last? And the answer is, yes. Because we are changing the subconscious programming which is responsible for all of your conscious thoughts.
This future engineering process takes between 5-10 sessions and is backed by scientific data to show you how it works within the brain. It does require you to do daily practise to install the new software, but we co-design this process to make sure it works for you, so you are happy with the way that we upgrade the software.
If you want to get started straight away, then send an email here and tell me
why you want to start
Break Free of your Negative Habits and Behaviours… Today by Rewiring your Brain!
As a mindset expert who has been working in changing thoughts and behaviours now for over 8 years, I have been lucky enough to discover how the Human Operating System behind mental functioning actually works. It is as a result of this work that I have been asked to speak at TEDx and on the BBC and written books about thought.
This 10 step method is the result of years of research into how the human mind works.It’s taken me 8 years to perfect this system and now I am offering it to anyone who wants to make a permanent change in their life.