Align your Energy and feel great!


Align your Energy and feel great!

There are 70 trillion cells in the average human body and each one is an energetic powerhouse, emitting and receiving energy every single second that you are alive. All of these cells work together and when they are working in harmony and perfect synchronicity, it’s like an orchestra playing a beautiful concerto. But when there is misalignment and a lack of synchronicity, it will sound more like a 2 year-olds nativity play!

One of the stunning locations

This is just one of the locations on stunning Cape Verde where Fiona and I will be doing a complete energy reset

 This ‘push-pull’ effect coming from your cells is like pressing the accelerator and brake pedal in a car simultaneously, which is very wearing and wastes a lot of energy. Which is why you can often feel so drained when your cells are misaligned, through stress, physical and mental (self) abuse and unconscious sabotaging behaviours. 


This is what happens on the days when you feel totally fatigued, irritable, sad, overwhelmed or even depressed and it’s also what happens when your heart and mind are working incoherently. So how do we realign this energetic malfunction to get back to feeling our true selves and back to feeling alive once more? The first step is to find out where the misalignment is happening (hint: it’s inside of you!). All energy is ‘information’, which also means it is transient (in-formation, or being formed) and it has motion (e-motion, energy in motion) and it is detectable – in the same way that your car can be picked up by speed cameras or GPS.  

Santa Maria Beach 

Our transport for the retreat

Make new friends 

By going inside and being with your energy, it is possible to receive the in-formation coming from it. Think of the last time you had a toothache. Did the energy feel positive or negative? It has a feeling to it that will tell you what you need to know about it and the message it is giving you. Then, listen deeply again to hear where this energy is going. Is it moving in a direction or spinning around in one place? What is it trying to tell you by the direction it is travelling?  


By listening to your own energy, and tapping into the messages it is telling you, it is then possible to work with it and release it, unblock it or move it on. This is akin to an energetic reset and it’s just one of the incredible practices that Fiona Maguire and I will be taking people through in stunning Cape Verde on January 14th, 15th and 16th.  And then, as we happen to be on a volcanic island, we’ll be upgrading the operating system and injecting some of Mother Earth’s super powerful energy back onto the clean slate. Come and join Fiona and I in the beautiful and energetically powerful Cape Verde where we will be upgrading your energetic vibration and perform an Energy-Reset to upgrade to your true self!